Part 4 Friendship is not a business

friendship is no businessOver the last 3 weeks we talked about different things that make a good friendship: Being committed and consistent, to have a depth and trust and also to have fun. Today we want to close with a topic that lays the main foundation for any friendship and relationship: Friendship is not a business!

What do we mean with that? Let me explain it with the example of a business: The idea of a business is to see what we can get out of it. If you start a business and you hand out gifts to customers, you are doing that with an afterthought. You hopefully get more out of that customer then what you invested in him. You are not just investing in them without a reason.

A true friendship and relationship on the other side should never be based on what we can get out of it, but instead we should always ask ourselves, what can we invest into it to help the friend. When both sides do that it creates something deeper. The Easter week is a great example of that: God didn’t put conditions on us when He sent his son. No he actually send Him while we were still sinners.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5.8 NIV”

That is truth for friendships and relationships too. When we invest in a friendship it always needs to come out of a heart of wanting the best for the other person. When both sides do that, the friendship can go on a deeper and better level. We want to challenge you to think about your friendships and how you can become a better friend. Start it by by not thinking about to get anything in return. Also in this coming Easter week remember how God showed His great love for you!!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a super fantastic week. If we would have to give our week a title it would be community. We had so many events this week to connect with community. It started with a board meeting of a neighborhood association, went to coffee shop meetings, to a game night, a German night, an encouragement group, a YWAM community night and a play. To be involved in your community and the lives of the people, you need to connect with them, and all those events are great ways to do that. We want to encourage you to get involved into your neighborhood community and bring the love of the Father.

Thank you for all your prayers and support. You are truly a blessing to us!

May God shower your with His unconditional love this week

Your friends

Markus and Jen

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