
I give thanks to Adonai with all my heart
I will tell about all your wonderful deeds
I will be glad and exult in you
I will sing praises to your name Elyon.
Psalm 9. 1-2

Recently I was reading Psalm 9 and I love especially the beginning part. David shows us here the right outlook and perspective. In the moment he thanks God for things he did in his life and then also tells about his wonderful deeds his outlook is changing. It is moving away from maybe an outlook or perspective of fear or something else he is facing to God who has all the answers. While writing most of the Psalms David is going through some challenges in life. But instead of just looking what he can see with his eyes, he is looking at the things he cannot see. He is speaking courage to himself by reminding himself that he is on the side of the Most High!

So outlook is very important. Whatever hard time you might face in life it’s important that you are not just looking at the things you can see but choose to thank God and remind yourself of the amazing things he did in your life and the life of others. You can watch how your courage is rising and your perspective will shift. Your focus falls more on God and your relationship with him and not so much on the issue. And in that moment God can then give you courage to face whatever you need to face.

So the great thing is when you tell neighbors about the wonderful deeds of God in your life that opens up conversation and gives opportunity to share the good news. So start to give him thanks right now and start talking about the wonderful deeds!!

Hey our friend

We hope your week was wonderful!! We had our quarterly meeting with bay area ministries which was encouraging. It really helps when you spend time with others and hear their victories and struggles. That is why God always meant for us to be in a community. Even from our first day on earth he placed us in our family community. Let’s bring our neighbors into a loving community and let them see how God can move through it!! On that note we also had our wonderful neighbor brunch which was super encouraging. We love everyone who comes and they all became a community to us and to each other. So it makes a difference!!

So don’t forget starting today to thank God for the community you have or the one He wants to build through you and build up your courage!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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