A journey through the bible the book of Numbers

I promise, for those who don’t like math, this blog is not about that kind of numbers. No its about the book of Numbers which gives a lot of inside in the amount of people from each tribe of Israel and how they stepped into different challenges. We hope it gives you a little bit an inside in the book and encourages you.

Hi our friend

How was your week?

Finally i get to tell you here about the birth of our little boy Caleb Heinz Theophilus. He was born March 28th. He brings so much joy to us and many of our neighbors that have seen him so far through our window!

Also since covid restrictions in San Francisco get less and less people will be able to meet up again. pray for good relationships beeing established and that it will be easy for people to recconect.

Also spend some time reading through numbers and understand some of the history of Israel better!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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