Make it a safe place Week 6

Hey our friend

2013-05-23 15.09.49San Francisco summer is in full swing for a few more weeks which is really nice, since it brings us lots of sunshine. Thanks for your prayers against my cough. It got a lot better. During the last week we had the chance to spend time with many new friends of the neighborhood. We also had good times at the coffee shop. Please keep us in your prayers in this season for clear guidance on what things to do and what things not to do ministry wise. Thanks for all your prayers.

Make it a safe place Week 6

During the last 5 weeks we talked about Prayer, how to get yourself on a solid foundation, how to build solid friendships, Encouragement and how to invite them to your home. This week we want to talk about a safe place. The best foundation for any friendship is trust. Trust is being built over time but also needs a safe place to grow. So it’s really important that your dinners are a place of openness and safety. Make it clear with your new friends that things that are shared in here aren’t going out to the public (Facebook etc.). Our culture and media is all about gossip and making fun of others, so it is important to set clear guidelines early. When you notice that people start being sarcastic with each other, encourage them to have a more positive and uplifting conversation with each other. I know sarcasm is a big part in our today’s society but often we are not aware of the fact that people are actually getting hurt by it and start closing themselves up. Also another important thing is that you open up and share about your life. That will open a door for others to share and being vulnerable. When they share make sure to listen and try to understand what is going in their lives. Also make sure that no one makes funny comments about things they are going through. Another important point is to make sure that you don’t share too deep things too fast. If you do that, it might scare people away. Share each week a little bit more and go each week a little bit deeper so people get used to it. But don’t feel it is a required thing either; sometimes it’s just not the right time to share. As more you keep going in that direction as more depth you will have in your dinner times and as deeper and stronger of a foundation will be build. You are the one who set the tone how things are going.

When you look at the story of the adulteress (John 8.1-10) that was about to be stoned you see how Jesus put safety around her. He knew what was going on in her life and who she was. Instead of knocking her down he showed everybody else in the crowd that none of them was perfect either. And at the end he tells her that He will not condemn her either but instead challenged her to live a sin free life. When we share openly about faults in our own life it breaks down the thinking many have of Christians as being hypocrites and being better than anyone else. It will give people the chance to start seeing the truth about Jesus and that he came to save the sick and not the healthy.

Think about how you can implement all of that into your group or future group and ask God to give you clear revelation on how and what to share.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen


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