Love your Neighbor – Use your giftings

Love your neighbor use your giftingsLast week we talked about things that can hold us back.  This week we want to write about how we can use the gifts that we have to bless our neighbors.

Jesus as the son of God could have walked the earth and let everybody do everything for him, but he didn’t. He served people through his whole life. If it was through healing (The blind man who wanted to see gets healed John 9), conversations (Talking to Nicodemus at night John 3), encouragement (encouraging Mary that she has value by standing for her when they tried to stone her John 8), prophetic words (sharing with Peter about the rooster Matthew 26.34 but also about how he builds his church on him Matthew 16.18) etc. These are just a few examples of how he used the gifting’s he had. He was always generous with all of them and used each one of them with people around Him.

Each one of us has gifts that God has given us. But now the question is, are we hoarding them or are we using them to make an impact in our neighborhood? As an example: I have the gift of encouragement so one of the things I do is encouraging neighbors and people around me. I remember many stories of how people kept feeling encouraged for a long time from just a little word. You could be a good listener and you could bless people through that. Or you could be a baker and bless neighbors through some home-baked specialties. There are so many giftings that people have and it would take books to write them all down, but the point is to use them in your neighborhood!

Do the following this week:

  1. Find out what giftings you have.
    1. Pray and Ask God to show you some of the giftings he placed in you.
    2. Assess the things you are good in and like to do.
    3. Ask your close friends to tell you what giftings they see in you.
  2. Think about ways how you can use them to bless your neighbors and people around you.
  3. Start doing it by the end of the week and then keep doing it

Hey our friend

Rain in San FranciscoWe hope you had a fantastic week. We are still in a rainy season in San Francisco and let me tell you it rains a lot as you can see a bit on the picture out of our window! But besides the rain, we had lots of dinners and events with people from the community. Just to tell you about a few: a German brunch, a dinner with a friend from a coffee shop, a Community night at YWAM. It was wonderful to be a part of all of those.

One thing that really encouraged me in the last week was the super bowl. Neither Jen nor I are really into sports, but this game was inspiring. One of the teams was at one point 25 points behind and everyone was saying that no team ever came back from being behind 10 points so it sounded impossible. But then the team didn’t give up and kept playing the game and guess what, they ended up winning. So no matter how things look like or what people say, don’t give up!! Nothing is impossible with God!!

We want to wish you a blessed week and remember God is on our side!!

Markus and Jen

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