Love your neighbor Part 19 Be excited about Jesus

love your neighbor part 19In this blog series we want to show you that it is actually really easy to make an impact where you live. We hope you start to see that more by reading this series!

Before I joined YWAM I was in Sales in an Electronic Store in Germany. In that time I learned that if you want to sell a product you actually have to like it first yourself and be excited about it. Sharing our faith is a bit like that too. Of course we are not trying to sell something, but we want to share the true excitement we have about Jesus with others. So first of all we need to be excited about Jesus.

20151102_101326Last week we went to a memorial of a friend of ours from the Tenderloin. Many people were sharing about his life but the common message was always that he was generous and loving. He was in no way rich, but everything he had he shared with others. People could see Jesus by the way he treated others. That is attractive and practical and can be seen! How amazing to think, that every neighbor around you would mention the amazing giftings God gave you and the love you have for Him and people around you.  What if they mention in the next sentence that through that they started to fall in love with Jesus because He actually became real to them through you! How amazing would that be?

Here some things to ponder on:

  1. When people look at us do they see the excitement and love we have for Jesus?
  2. Does He have the most important role and focus in our life?
  3. Is our love for Jesus showing in our life through our actions and the way we live, in a way that is real, contagious and attractive to others? If not ask yourself why and start

Hey our friend

Picture Time with Loren CunninghamWe hope you had a fantastic week! We had our YWAM Fundraiser with Loren Cunningham which raised $190.000 towards paying off the building, game nights and other events at our apartment and different meetings during the week. After all it was a great and thoughtful week. This week we will have a meeting with a book editor who can hopefully give us some tips on writing. Pray that God keeps giving us ideas and the right words to write!

First of all thank you to all who support us in our work here through Prayer and finances! You are a huge blessing to us! May god bless you richly!

We have a request for you! To do the work we are doing we depend 100% on support. Over the last few months we lost about $287 in monthly support through changes of circumstances in peoples lives. So at this point we need about $1560 more in monthly support to be fully funded. We want to ask for your help in sharing with people you know that have a heart for missions and would be interested in joining our support team. Of course if you are not a part of it you are welcome to join as well! When you click on this link you find out more how to do that. Thank you for all your help in this area.

Start this week with a new excitement for God by spending some extra time with Him!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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