Love your neighbor Part 18 Set time aside

love your neighbor part 18In this blog series we want to show you that it is actually really easy to make an impact where you live. We hope you start to see that more by reading this series!

One of the big issues in todays time is time. We are all rushed for time. We try to save time wherever we can at work, while driving at home etc. Then an interesting thing happens, we are more stressed and we need downtime to refill. So then we use that time, and probably more than we would have needed without the stress, to relax in front of the TV or by looking at Facebook for the 10th time.

What about we just go on a normal healthy pace?  What about if we don’t over commit? What about we keep an open night each week to spend time with neighbors?

Relationships will cost you something and one of those things is time. If you don’t have time in first place how do you want to build a relationship with your neighbor?

Its important that we set time aside but to do that, we have to first do a few things:

  1. For the next 2 weeks observe and see where you waste time and where you go too fast. Also see if you are overcommitted in things. Write everything you find out down.
  2. Ask yourself why you do that and how you can practically change it. When you do that you are able to change.
  3. After you found extra time start setting time aside for relationships with neighbors.

You can do it!!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week! We had a workday at the YWAM Base to get things ready for the fundraiser in November. Many hands are needed to get everything done in time. We also had an opportunity to show love to people in our community just by being there for them. Its powerful to just being there for someone and even small actions speak loudly!

First of all thank you to all who support us in our work here through Prayer and finances! You are a huge blessing to us! May god bless you richly!

We have a request for you! To do the work we are doing we depend 100% on support. Over the last few months we lost about $287 in monthly support through changes of circumstances in peoples lives. So at this point we need about $1560 more in monthly support to be fully funded. We want to ask for your help in sharing with people you know that have a heart for missions and would be interested in joining our support team. Of course if you are not a part of it you are welcome to join as well! When you click on this link you find out more how to do that. Thank you for all your help in this area.

This week is a beginning of a healthy life pace with open time for relationship!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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