Love one another

34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13.34-35

love-one-anotherDuring the last week we had a big event going on in San Francisco called “Love SF”. It was a powerful week with 24.7 worship and Prayer for 8 days combined with outreaches all over town. For that event many churches from the city as well from other places in the US worked together. It was amazing to see how much love was shown to each other and I don’t even know about the impact it made on the city.

When you read the statement Jesus made you notice the need of us to live that way. People will not know us by the things we do or the miracles god does through us, no they will know us through the love for each other. This is what the world is longing for being a part of a community that truly loves each other. But how can we become more like that? Here are a few ideas on that!

  1. We have to look at the things that unite us and not the things that separate us
  2. We have to be quick in forgiving each other and help each other to grow
  3. Let’s speak live and encouragement into each other even if we don’t feel like it.
  4. Let’s do things together so we grow closer together. As an example let’s do a city wide event together with all the churches instead of each one doing their own thing.

Let us change our cities together with the love of God

Hey our friend

We hope you do well!! Last week we had a celebration for Reformation day at our place. We watched the movie Luther and all of us got really inspired by him. His little action changed the world forever. What is the little action God calls you to do? We also had many Prayer events going on with Love SF this week as well as dinners with our neighbor friends. It was a really good week.

Join us in Praying for unity in the Body of Christ to see our world changed and bring greater hope! Thank you for praying with us! You are a huge blessing!!

Have a blessed week!

Markus and Jen

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