Let’s go fly a kite

Hey our friend

german flagWe hope you had a wonderful week. After a super busy week we had a bit of a slower week which felt really good. We had wonderful opportunities to bring hope to leaders in the community. We also hosted our first german night at our house. It’s a way to connect with other german speakers in the city as well as a way for Jen to learn more of the language. It was a great time!! We also had Jen’s Mom here for a visit which was amazing as well.

Please also keep standing with us in Prayer in this season for all parts of the ministry. We want to see more and more breakthroughs in the lives of the different people. Pray for an increase of hope for people and also open hearts for Jesus.

We set a goal to be fully funded by January 1st. This is the reason why we did it: Every year a junk of time has to be used to fundraise to be able to keep doing what we are doing. That time we can’t use to do the ministry here in the city. So our goal is to be fully funded for all of our monthly expenses through monthly support. At this point we are in need of $2802 more on a monthly base. Consider joining our monthly support team. Its really easy to do so. Just click on this link, choose the amount, as a ministry choose staff support and under comments put Markus and Jen. If you would like to support us by check make the checks out to YWAM with a note in Memo MJH. Send them to YWAM San Francisco, 357 Ellis Street, San Francisco CA 94102. If you cant support us personally help us by sharing with others who might be interested in supporting us. Thank you for all your support. You are such a blessing to us.

Lets go fly a kite

This week we will have a video blog which I recorded a few weeks ago. Enjoy!!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

One thought on “Let’s go fly a kite

  1. Kathrin

    hey jen und Markus.
    Schön von euch was zu lesen und vor allem dich Markus zu sehen. Du gehsch ja richtig auf im schwäbische 🙂 Haha. Sorry, dass ich es nicht mehr schaffe mit dem korrigieren. Schaffe es zeitlich leider nicht. Da Arbeit, Freizeit und Gemeindearbeit gerade sehr viel Zeit in Anspruch nimmt. Ich denke an euch und sende euch viele Grüße nach Sam francisco.


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