Jesus understands

Did you ever have a circumstance in your life where you felt nobody would totally understand you? Todays blog is about how Jesus understands all our life circumstances and situations. Be encouraged!!

Hi Friend

How was your week? Send us an update!!

What a great time we had all week with amazing people. After almost 3 years we got to see a family who are friends of ours. Caleb got to play with there kids and we got to catch up in the park. We don’t take times like that for granted and see each of them as a special blessing. We also got to welcome a new neighbor who just moved on our hill which was a blessing. Its so important to welcome new neighbors into our communities. It makes people wanted and cherished which is so important. We also got to help a few others in practical ways this week and had a wonderful dinner with a neighbor friend. We also worked on a promo video for the start of the new year in the love your neighbor series!! Make sure to like us on facebook or Instagram or join us on the love your neighbor network to join in!!

Have a blessed week and remember that Jesus understands you like no one else ever can!

Markus, Jen and Caleb

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