Invest in your neighborhood Part 1 Find out what is needed

Invest in your neighborhood part 1During our time living here in North Beach we started to see what is needed in our community. One thing was safety. So we joined a neighborhood watch group to help our community to become more safe. Since that group started people started watching out for each other and it also gave us the opportunity to meet more of our neighbors through the meetings.

We also met up with different non profit organizations and checked with them how we can help out. Through that we got connected with youth work and work with the elderly. Both of them really needed help in the  work they are doing.

2013-08-29 11.52.38All of those opportunities took a little bit of research, but it was fairly simple to find out. During the first few months of the work here in north beach we walked every single street and prayed over it to see Gods heart for the area. It really helped us to get a clearer perspective on what is needed as well.

But how can you start in your community? Start by thinking about what your neighborhood needs and talk to people in your neighborhood to hear their input. After that, check in with local non profits, churches and other local places to see if they need help or hear from them what is needed. Start writing all the things down, so you can look at them later.

Get ready, now its time to get started with research!!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. Our week was very eventful with a game night, an encouragement group, a staff day and a bachelor party for our friend Kevin Tsui. At some of those events we saw again how important it is to find out what is needed in the community and then to bring it.

We are praying that God will give you a fantastic week with lots of moments of encouragement! Remember that you are amazing and loved!!

Markus and Jen

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