I am has a dream for you

I am has a dream for youRecently the story of Joseph came up in our daily bible reading. One of the first things we hear about him is that God gave him dreams. Both dreams where about his family and how they would bow before him. If you think about that, it sounds in a way like a pretty prideful dream. But when you see it play out in the rest of the story you notice that it actually isn’t prideful. Through all the hard times Joseph walked through in the years before the dream became a reality, God used him to save many people. And all the way at the end of the story his whole family bows before him, in respect of the man who stood in front of them without even knowing that it is Joseph.

The same was also true for David. In his case it was not a dream but an anointing.  He was chosen as king many years before he actually became King. But God used the years in between to get him ready for this position. He waited in the process, but he knew where he was going.

When you look at more recent times you heard that really famous line “I have a dream” from Martin Luther King and how it changed society. He lived the dream God placed in his heart. It empowered many people to get better education and to live a different life.

God has dreams and visions for each one of us. When I look back to the times when he spoke to me about San Francisco and later about the things we are doing now I thought it is not possible. But now looking at it and seeing that most of it already became reality is giving me courage and encourages me.

We want to encourage you to ask God to speak to you about vision for your life. You might be living it right now, or you might still be looking for it, but He has a vision for you. It could be for certain people, a place etc. You living that dream or vision will change the world forever!

Hey our friend

We had a great week here in San Francisco. We had a lot of office work to catch up on and lots of people time. It was wonderful to have my brother visit from Germany. We had a great time with him as well. We also had a Pastor family who are friends from Pennsylvania here for a visit to see what we are doing here. Its awesome to see how God gives us open doors daily to encourage people and to love on them. All we have to do is choosing and doing it.

Pray this week and ask God for a vision or a dream for your life!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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