How to make decisions Part 3 Choice

Hey our friend

20140402_150321_AndroidWe hope you had a great week. We hold a memorial service for one of our friends from the neighborhood. It was sad but in the same way something to be happy about, because 9 months before he died he gave his life to Jesus. We had 2 of his friends come and share stories about his life to honor him. It is important to honor people, because all of them are children of God. I also believe that it shows people the value that God has for them. Honor doesn’t mean we have to agree with everything they do, but it is a choice to see people the way God made them. We also had a leadership training class with our church on Saturday which was awesome as well. All in all a good week.

How to make decisions Part 3 Choice

So over the last 2 weeks we talked about decisions that are made by listening to God and decisions that are made by circumstances that we cant control. This week I want to conclude the topic with make decisions by choice.

The story that came right away into my mind when I thought about Choices was King Salomon. God literally asked him what he wanted. Salomon had at this moment a choice which literally could give him anything he wanted. But the choice he made was to receive wisdom. He asked for wisdom, because he wanted to lead Gods people well. So his choice wasn’t based on selfish motives, instead it was based on how to serve others.

So we can have similar situations in our life. We have 3 different choices, but we don’t have a clear guidance from God which one to take. Start thinking about the outcome of your decision. First of all ask those questions. Who will benefit from the choice I make? What of the outcomes will serve the Kingdom? How will it affect my life?

As an example if one of your choices is to have a job that keeps you 6 days a week away from your family and the only outcome by you working this job is lots of money, this job might not be the right choice. You might provide for your family things that they don’t really need, but miss out providing things that they need like time with you.

Or it could be a choice between a job that you would really love and you would really make a difference in this world and also gives you time for family, but which would stretch you in your available money, compared to a job that just pays the bills and give you lots of access.

I think those 2 examples illustrate pretty well the point I want to make with this. When you look at a major decision always look at the outcomes it can bring. Always check your motives when you make the decision, and if you prayed about it, they are not just for your own gain, you feel that it would bring Glory to God and you have a peace about it, I would say go for it. Of course sometimes you will see later on that it was maybe the wrong decision, but then again your motives were right. And God looks at the heart.

The most important thing with any decision we make is to bring Gods Kingdom to this earth and bring people closer to Him. If this is what we base our decisions on we live a fruitful life with a purpose.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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