How to make decisions Part 2 Decisions guided by circumstances

Hey our friend

IMG_7423Wow an eventful week here in San Francisco went by in the wink of an eye. First we had all our normal events going on in North Beach, but then we had a few out of the ordinary ones as well. On Thursday we had a team of 17 Students from Bethel Church’s Super Natural Ministry School in Redding partner with us in ministry. First we shared with them about our heart for the ministry here and then we went together with them on a Prayer walk and treasure hunt. We love the special anointing God has given that church for revival. It was also amazing to see how many people you can teach in a small space. And on Friday we had a college team from Idaho join us as well for a Prayer walk. On Friday night we had the YWAM community night (if you missed it you can watch the Video Recording at the end of the blog) with a speaker who shared about how to learn about the community you want to influence and to not burn out while you do it. It was great. And Saturday we went to a conference of the same speaker learning some more. If you are interested here is also a link to his newest book which speaks of most of the stuff he talked about.

Thank you for your continuous prayers and financial support for us and the ministry here. God is really moving in mighty ways through them. May he bless you richly for that!

How to make decisions Part 2 Decisions guided by circumstances

Last week we talked about how we have to pray and listen to Gods voice when we make decisions. This week I want to talk a bit about situations where decisions are made for you by circumstances.

Like last week lets look at a story in the bible, Joseph. When you look at his life you notice that most of the decisions in his early years weren’t made by him. He was sold into slavery by his brothers without a choice. He served then at the palace of Potiphar without having a say in that. But in all of that he served really well in his full capacity. He gave the best he could. Even after being accused of things he didn’t do he still served well. It lead him to a place of power in the palace and made him the second most powerful person in whole Egypt. So sometimes decisions are made by circumstances. But the important thing is that we keep having the right attitude in those and keep moving forward. Sometimes the decisions are not up to us, but we have to trust in the process that God can still use them to work for the greater good.

As an example. I have a good friend who has a brother who had a baby with someone. But the brother didn’t take care of the baby instead he is using drugs. So my friend took on the child and took care of it. It was not my friends choice to have a baby, but the circumstances brought him to the place that he just had to help the child. He served in the circumstance to his best capability.

Think about the decisions that were made for you in your life, and then think about how your attitude was in those circumstances. Did you serve to your best ability or did you just do the bare minimum? God can use every circumstance in your life to bring you forward, but you just have to trust Him and serve well.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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