How to make Decisions Part 1 Decisions guided by God

Hey our friend

20140321_214006_Android 20140321_185101_AndroidWe hope you had a wonderful week in the Presence of our wonderful Father in Heaven. Its just so awesome doing that. We went to a Fundraiser this week for a ministry that helps women to choose a child instead of abbortion. They help them with diapers and other services after the child is born. They were sharing that San Francisco has about 34.000 pregnancies a year and 18.000 of those are ending up in abbortion. Please pray for those women to choose the life of those children. God loves each one of them dearly. Here is a link so you can find out more about them and how to support the work they are doing!

Our Students are leaving the 7th of April for Outreach and have only 2 more weeks in the city. Keep them in your prayers that they will be open to what God has for them for the remainder of their time in the city as well as for outreach and after. One of our Staff is working on a prayer map for our neighborhood. It will enable us to take more church groups or Christians from the neighborhood activated in that area of ministry. Spend some time praying for your town today.

How to make Decisions Part 1 Decisions guided by God

All of us are faced with decisions on a daily base. Some of them might be simple decisions like which shirt to wear or what to eat. Others might be a bit harder like where to apply for a job or what to do with our lives.  Simple decisions are fairly easy to manage, but how do you manage big life decisions?

When we look at the different people in the bible we see a pattern which guides them. Moses as an example was always connected with God when he was making decisions. When he stood in front of the red sea he got the direct command from God to hit the water with his stick so they can pass through. I’m sure he was thinking about many other ways how he could get Israel away from the Egyptians, but he trusted God. Before David went into battle he always consolidated God to make the right decisions. The battle didn’t start when he went to fight a battle, no it started when he prayed and spend time with his father in heaven. After he did that he had the confidence and assurance to be on the right track. Another great example is Jesus.  He always prayed and spend time with His father before he did things. But after he prayed, he was moving forward.

A few years ago I went on a jail visit to see some of our street kids. But one thing we forgot was to print out directions to the jail. So while in the car I asked God for guidance, and he guided us in the decision making of which way to go. We ended up being faster at the prison than ever before. So it is important to listen to His voice.  SO the first part in making decisions is to pray and ask God for guidance in your situation. Start this week with little situations and ask for His guidance in making those.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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