How a Amish horse and buggy speaks about value

Hey friend

2013-02-18 09.01.23-2An amazing week went by so quickly. Last Tuesday we had our interview for the green card which went well. Then we went off to Mount Hood to speak at a snow camp. We spoke on 3 topics: there is a purpose for our life, we are all in need of a savior and last but not least, the need of community. It was a fantastic time where we saw God moving. We left the retreat Sunday with a sad feeling since we left back many new made friends. This coming week will be another exciting week with our alpha group tonight, boys and girls club, teaching the students, coffee shop meetings, business men meeting, elderly meeting, game night, small group meeting and starting Saturday a really good friend from Germany comes for a visit. Yeah. Please keep us in your prayers this week. Pray that we are sensitive to Gods guidance with all the upcoming events.

How a Amish horse and buggy speaks about value

When I was in Pennsylvania Uncle Dave gave me a buggy ride. On the ride he was telling me about the horse and how he bought it at an auction. The horse was brought there to be sold to a butcher for meat, since one of his legs was lame and his hoof was partially ripped.  Dave took it home and gave it some time to rest.  After a while the hoof healed and the leg recovered. Now the horse is the best horse Dave ever had. I believe that is the way God sees us and all people. He doesn’t just see the things that are wrong with us, but instead he sees our potential. He doesn’t look at the outside and at what people say about us, but instead he looks at our heart. He picks the people that the world often rejects and uses them in a powerful way for his purposes. Another interesting thing of the buggy ride is this one: God sometimes puts us into a season of rest to recharge, grow and heal so we can live in the full potential he placed in us. What is God speaking to you in this season? Are you like the horse and need a season of rest and healing, or are you in the season to run forward? Pray about it.

We also added 2 videos for you. 1 of our wonderful buggy ride, the second one about a wonderful song we sang at the retreat.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen


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