God’s Presence the key

god-presence-is-the-keyOver the last few weeks we started playing worship music right in the morning in our place. When we started doing that it changed our perspective on the day and our focus went in a deeper way on the presence of God. We were less distracted from life and things that came at us. Another thing we noticed was that our faith and courage increased to reach out to others in other ways.

One situation brought me to a beach in the city and led me to talk to an older wealthy man and help him in a hard situation since he was stuck with a broken down car. I couldn’t fix the car but I helped with everything I could do by standing with him and then trying to find help even to pray that the engine would start. None of the things worked, but finally we got help from a car repair place. I waited with him till they arrived and then said goodbye. I was about to take off when the man came back and told me how me standing with him restored his hope in humanity. I was surprised how something so little could have such a huge impact in someone’s life. It was just the fact of me being present with him and not leaving that brought hope.

So what do you think about how much more of an impact does it have in our life to have the presence of God with us? Spending time in His presence totally changes and transforms us and makes us the people He created us to be. It takes away the thriving and helps us to trust in his abilities and not on what we can do.

We want to encourage you to start to adjust your life in a way that you always walk in his presence. Regular worship and times with Him is a good start to do that!

Hey our friend

What a wonderful week! Last week we launched a small group at our house with focus on spending time in Gods presence with other believers. The first one has been amazing and really encouraging. The time at encouragement group was amazing as well and uplifting for each one that came. Our Saturday brunch with our neighbor friends was also a highlight of the week. I made my first hash browns from scratch and they came out good! We really love our friends around us!

Thank you for all your Prayers for us and this city. You are a huge blessing!!

Have a great week!
Markus and Jen

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