God created Creativity

GOd created creativityIn 2003 I went with my DTS outreach to Rome. While we were there we visited the Vatican and the Sistine chapel. The art of the paintings Michelangelo did literally takes your breath away and its undeniable that God gave us creativity to create. When the bible talks about that we are created in His image, it also implies that God placed the creativity in us; the creativity with which He created the earth and everything in it. Michelangelo, Bach and many others used their gifting’s to glorify God. Bach wrote under each of his music pieces “Soli deo Gloria – to the Glory of God alone”. If you listen to a concert of Bach or if you look at the paintings in the Sistine chapel, you can’t deny that God placed creativity in them and that the work they did still moves people today.

But God did not just place a creative gift into a few people. No each one of us is creative. Yes it looks different for each one of us. For some of us we might be creative in creating business, for others it is art or music, for others its creative ways to encourage people etc. It doesn’t really matter in which way you are creative, what matters is that you use your creativity to show people the Glory of God. If you don’t know in which area God has given you creativity start exploring. I believe sometimes we think that using the creativity God has given us could be seen as pride, but in reality it is actually more prideful not to use it and saying to God I don’t believe that you can use my gifts.

Ask yourself those questions:

  1. In which area do I think I am creative? If you don’t know start to ask God and friends and see what they say.
  2. Start using your creativity in a way that that shows people how great your Father in heaven is.

Hey our friend

dts gradWe hope you had a wonderful week!! We had a wonderful week with dinners with neighbors, and time to graduate our DTS Students. All of them are moving into a new season. Pray for Gods guidance for them, in this time of transition. We also had other friends visit from Germany which was awesome. I was also able to help someone we knew randomly to come up with a strategy for her business. Its wonderful to see how God uses the creativity he has given me to bless others.

The challenge for this week is to start to find your creativity and to start using it to show the God to people in your surroundings!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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