Getting rid of Guilt and Condemnation

Whom the son sets free is free indeed! John 8.36

getting-rid-of-guilt-and-condemnationOn of the greatest traps we can get into is getting stuck in guilt and condemnation. Those 2 have power to hold us away from what God really has for us. They can make us feel that we are not good enough. When we do something wrong, we feel inside a conviction which challenges us to change and ask for forgiveness for what we did wrong. That is a godly thing that is helping us to keep a clean conscience. But how often did we still feel guilt even after we asked for forgiveness. I remember a while ago I made a mistake in putting a meeting in my calendar. That mistake led to me missing that meeting. I asked God and the person, I had the meeting with, for forgiveness but even after that I felt condemnation that I made that mistake. But where did that come from? It didn’t come from the person or from God. It came from the fact that I could not forgive myself for making a mistake. It held on for a long time till but when I realized what it was I asked God to forgive me for not forgiving myself and asked Him to take away the guilt and condemnation. It was so freeing.

So the key is to forgive ourselves and believe God when He says that he has forgiven us. He does not hold anything against you. When he said he forgave its gone. So guilt and condemnation is not coming from Him. Conviction for change is coming from Him, because he loves us.

I want to encourage you to ask God if there are any areas in your life where you haven’t forgiven yourself. Ask God to help you to forgive.  You don’t have to live under guilt, you can be free!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a great week wherever you are right now. WE had a neighborhood watch meeting this week with many neighbors to talk about the safety in our community. Its so great to see more about what people care about and to support them in it. What does your community care about and how can you support them in it? Think about it!

Thank you also for all your prayers. You are such a blessing!!

Have a great week!
Markus and Jen

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