From Death to Life

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11.25-26

from-death-to-lifeMost of us experienced death in our lifetime, if it was a family member, a friend or even a pet. A little while ago a good friend of mine lost his pet do to age. When we talked on the phone and I found out it sounded as if a person died. But that conversation made me understand how deep people are connected to their pets. How deep of a hole they leave when they die. But how much more is it becoming a reality when a person in our life dies. Questions about the after or if there is even an after are surfacing. Many people start to face the reality of death when they experience it with someone they love. For many it is a time of hopelessness and the moment to see how things in life that had so much value and meaning before become pointless.

When we believe in Jesus we know that we will go to heaven as he promised. He made a really clear statement to Martha after Lazarus passed away in the verse at the beginning of the blog. You shall never die. That is a promise that nothing in this world can give you. Yes there might be things that extend your life, but eventually we will all die.

Since Jesus is the answer to all of it, it is important for us to share it with the people around us. Since we have the answer to hope and true value given to us, we can’t keep it to ourselves. We need to share it in a way people around us can understand. But you have to earn that privilege with people. They have to see that you truly care about them and then you have the authority to say something when death hits in their surroundings. You can share the truth and bring life!

We want to encourage you to keep pursuing relationship with neighbors and people around you!! Bring them from death to Life!!

Hey our friend

Wow this week went by fast. We had a concert from a friend from the neighborhood, a dinner with the community, a brunch with neighbors, a bay area leaders meeting, a board meeting and all our usual events. It was a whirlwind. Thank you for all your prayers in this time!! We are blessed to have you pray with us!!

Have a great week!
Markus and Jen

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