Forgiveness Part 1 Forgive Others

Forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.

Vergebung Teil 1The Verse above is one of the last things Jesus said while being on this earth. He puts a lot of value into forgiveness. Why? Here are 2 reasons: One for others and one for you. This week I want to look at the one for others.

Have you heard of Jim Elliot? The story of Jim Elliot and his wife is a story of the power of forgiveness. He went to bring the gospel to a tribe in Ecuador. While doing that he was killed by the tribe leaving behind his wife and child. Now the wife had 2 choices: Either she could live her life in hate and become bitter at the people who killed her husband or she could forgive. She choose the second, but not just that, she actually kept going with what her husband started bringing the gospel to that tribe. Out of that many people in the tribe became Christians. They saw the teachings of Jesus in action and saw the results and love it produced.

Now look at Jesus. He had all those people right in front of him that nailed him on the cross. They nailed him on the cross for speaking the truth and being innocent. But how does he react?  Right in that moment he chooses to forgive. He lives by what he preached. He lived his message. By forgiving others he gives them the opportunity to be free. He opens the door for them to turn around and change and come back into relationship. He releases judgement from his hands into the fathers hand. Also when Jesus shared on forgiveness he gave it as a command. If we don’t forgive God will not forgive us. Did he say that to guilt us into forgiveness? No he said it because he knows the power it has and how it can change us and others.

Ask yourself those questions:

  1. Who are some of the people in your life you have to forgive (people who hurt you, bullies, false friends etc.)?
  2. Bring them in Prayer before God and forgive them!
  3. Ask God if there is anything you did in that situation that requires to ask for forgiveness? If you did go up to that person and ask them personally for forgiveness.

Hello friend

We hope you had wonderful Easter week. We celebrated with friends from our building. It was so special to celebrate this day together. We also went to a local mess in which we had the opportunity to meet more people from our community. Our times at the coffee shop were also fruitful with great conversations. It always reminds me of Jesus and the apostles and how they went to were the people were instead of waiting for the people to come to them.

We want to invite you to partner with God and us to bring community to people and through that Gods love in a way they never experienced it before. Right now we are in need of $1.300 more on a monthly base to cover all our cost. Pray about joining our team in this way! You can do it with any amount you would like. Find out more on how by clicking on this link. If you personally cant join us in this way could you share it with family and friends who might be interested in joining. Thank you for your help. Thank you to each one of you who is already part of our team. You are a true blessing!

Don’t forget Forgiveness!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

This is a movie trailer to the movie they made about jim elliots life

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