Focus your life Part 3 Be Accountable

Focus your life Part 3For the next few weeks we want to look at an important topic “how to Focus our life”. Being focused helps us to achieve the things God called us to do, so it’s really important to step into that. But it’s not easy with everything that always goes on. Last week we talked about setting goals and how that helps to focus. This week its about finding accountability

One of the big challenges in focusing our life and also in achieving a goal is that we get demotivated if things don’t go right right away. I’m sure all of us faced times in our life where we had a plan but then it didn’t work right away and then we just gave up. Remember the example from the January 1st solutions people make to lose weight or go to the gym and how quick they are forgotten. But what if they would have someone that would challenge them and tell them not to give up and who gives them tips along the way? I am pretty sure many more would succeed. In the bible you find many examples of friendships where people encouraged each other to move forward. Jonathan and David are an example like that. Jonathan helped David in his biggest challenges and was an encouragement to him when his father hated David. I’m sure David was thinking about forgetting this idea of being a king after all the challenges it brought, but Jonathon his friend helped him not to give up!

That is exactly what each one of us needs in focusing our life. We need a helper on our side that holds us accountable and helps us to move forward. SO to focus your life you need someone that holds you accountable. A person that calls you out when you lose focus or you don’t reach your goals. A person that tells you things that are true but that you might not want to hear. That is what you need to really focus your life. Do you have a person like that in your life? If not this is what you need to do!

  1. Find a person that is able to hold you accountable but also able to encourage you in the process!
  2. Share everything with them about how you want to focus your life and the goals you have.
  3. Ask them to check up on you!

Ok now its time to get started!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!! We are in Germany right now and don’t have time on the computer so we prewrote some blogs for the next few weeks. Please pray for San Francisco while we are gone that people experience more the love of God and start understanding the meaning of the gospel for their life.

So don’t forget this week to find someone to be accountable to!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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