Fear loses power when hope arrives

Fear losesReading the news for the first few weeks of 2016 can shake you up big time. We can read about the financial world and the drops in the stock markets. We read about North Korea and how they did a new bomb test. We read about terrorism and how it could hit us in everyday life. But what does all that do to us? It creates fear and worry. But fear and worry is the main thing that keeps people away from hope.

But what is our job as Christians in that? We are the ones that need to bring hope into a world run by fear! When I talk to people and topics from the news are brought up, I listen for a while, but then I normally share about the good things that are happening in the world. Most of the time people leave more hopeful with less fear then when they came. I remember years ago we went to a poetry reading and most of the poetry was really dark and depressing. So one week I had my students share some of their poetry which was all about hope. It was amazing to see the difference in the faces of people. People that looked almost depressed had later on that glimpse of hope in their eyes. But not enough right after they shared someone shared some of the darkest stuff I ever heard and that glimpse of hope from people’s faces left. The night was almost over but some of my students were promised to share so the coffee shop owner insisted that they would be allowed to do that even the night was already at the end. All people stayed and listened while one of the students read a paraphrased Psalm all about hope and then another student sang the song amazing grace acapella. After the students finished I looked at the faces in the room and every single person looked hopeful some with tears in their eyes! Christ is the author of hope and the destroyer of fear and what he brought to this world to every person is a message of hope. Whoever believes in me shall not perish but have eternal life. If that is not hopeful I don’t know what would!

So this is a call for each one of us. We have the message and power to bring hope into a hopeless world. Lets pray about ways how to do that. Maybe through a conversation at the office that goes from instead of speaking negative about something to sharing about something that God was doing the world recently. Or even better sharing about something God was doing in our personal life. Or it might start in the evening with a conversation to a neighbor when we get home. There are many ways to live our faith and being carriers of hope. Let us all step into the one where we have influence in!

Hey our friend

Wow what a week. I Markus got hit with a bad cold and fever which kept me grounded for almost a week. But when I got sick it also made me thankful. I realized that it has been 1 year since a cold strapped me to the bed. Thank you God for that!! Jen went to the welcome dinner for the students and was able to meet all of them. This week they will start working in the neighborhood. Pray that God will give each of them a passion for building community wherever they go!

Also another praise report!! During the last week God brought in 400 more dollars of monthly support so we are now only in need of $1.300 more on a monthly base!! Praise God. Thank you to all of you that are already part of our team!! If you or someone you know are not but would like to, click on this link to find out more how to do that. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you for all your help in this area.

Have a blessed week and remember to go after fear by spreading hope!

Markus and Jen

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