A journey through the bible the book of Ezra

The book of Ezra starts of with how Ezra (a priest) leaves the land, that held them captive, together with 50000 people from Israel to go back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. His mission was that, but even more so to bring the people back to God. Be encouraged through this video intro into the book and then afterwards through reading it! May the book of Ezra inspire you to help people find their way back to God!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week!! We cant believe its only a few more days till Christmas. Wow time for sure goes fast. We were able to bless and encourage more people with some extra Christmas cards the printers send us. It was wonderful. We also got to celebrate the 87th birthday of a neighborhood friend. It was wonderful. We are excited for this Christmas weekend to celebrate with Caleb his first Christmas. It will be a lot of fun! We cant have the big Christmas dinner this year with neighbors but we will have one older neighbor for a Christmas meal which will be nice! Jesus always valued the one through his life and so do we!! How can you be a blessing to your neighbors this Christmas week?

We want to wish you a merry Christmas. May this be a Christmas for you where you can experience in a new and deeper way Emmanuel God with us!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

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