A journey through the bible Esther

I love the book of Esther and its implication that God can use one person to change the world for many. Its very inspiring to read and hear about her life and how she made such a difference! Be inspired by the video introduction into the book and of course then by reading it too!!

Hi our friend

San Francisco experiences such a beautiful month with sunshine and warmth. That opens the door for many to connect outside in the park or just walk around in the neighborhood. Just by doing that too, we were able to connect with different people that we haven’t seen for a while either. Our church had the monthly love the city event as well and that is always a wonderful way to pray together and also encourage people we meet while being outside. Jen was able to meet many new moms and nannies in the neighborhood parks and encourage them while Caleb got to play with their children and make his first friends. A win win. During the last week we also had quite a few meetings between a board we are part of and YWAM. Each were encouraging. Caleb is also doing well. He tries to say his first words while smiling and has lots of fun with a little ball friends from Germany send us. So we had a good week here! How was yours?

Also remember today and for the rest of your life that you like Esther are as well born for a time like this.

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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