Who do we call for help in our life?

Hey our friend


We hope you had a wonderful fall week. Jen and I were teaching in the DTS on the father heart of God. It went really well. It was amazing to see God do Miracles, He helped us prepare a 12 hour (full hours) teaching in less than 1 week. Thank you God!

20141024_18272220141024_185421Through all the different ways we are part of the neighborhood we were invited to 2 different events. The first one was a dinner for the Italian Community Center. It was a wonderful evening with amazing food. The other one was the movie Premiere of Pelican dreams of a neighbor from the Hill. Her last film was called the wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill and was amazing as well as her new one about Pelicans. Watch it when it comes to a theater near you. None of us has ever been to a movie Premiere of a big movie, so it was a wonderful time meeting new people.

Also keep us and the work here in your prayers. A lot of great things are happening, but we also face a few challenges. Stand with us that God will bring breakthrough in those. Also please email us if you have a Prayer request. We would love to pray for you.

We like to ask you to consider joining our support team. Our goal is to be fully funded by January next year. In the last 2 weeks 2 new people joined our support team. Pray and see if God wants you to be part of this work and our monthly team. As an example, you could give $100, $50 or $25 but again you can support us with any amount you like, no gift is too small or too big. Click here to find out more on how to do it! Thank you for considering us.

Who do we call for help in our life?

The other morning we read in the book of 2.Chronicles during our quiet time. Jen and I are reading through a bible in a year plan which really helps to actually read the whole book. While reading, one verse really stuck out to me:

2. Chronicles 16.12 In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa was afflicted with a disease in his feet. Though his disease was severe, even in his illness he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from the physicians.

When you read through the chapters before you find out that Asa was a good King and followed God. He saw God showing up in many areas of his reign. He was able to see and trust God do miracles for Israel by setting them free from false Gods and people who oppressed them. But then when it came to his own life he had a hard time remembering the faithfulness of the father. Instead of first asking the father to help him and heal him from the disease, he just asked his personal doctors. I believe that it was easy for him to believe that God wants to do great things for others but not necessarily for him. Also I think his relationship with Father God was more of a servant then a son. If we have a good relationship with Father God our normal reaction should be to ask Him first what to do. He might say go to the Doctor, but He might also heal us. But the importance is trust. We will call first whoever we trust the most.

Who do you put your trust in?

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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