What is Unconditional?

Hey our friend

HertmannsweilerBy now we arrived in Germany and also went to the wedding of my brother. Wednesday night we will have an information night at our Church. Please pray for us that God brings people and really encourages and challenges them through our speaking. Pray also for the right words to say. Thanks for all your Prayers.

What is Unconditional?

Unconditional is a word which is hard to understand. When we look around we see that everything in this world has conditions. As an example if you buy a car you get a big list of terms and conditions, like you can only drive so many miles a year or you have to clean it a certain amount of time. Another good example is, when you do this for me i will do this for you. Or even in marriage people put conditions on each other; if you don’t do the dishes I will not take out the trash. Most of the times we don’t speak those conditions out loud but they are in our head and many times they are deeply rooted. It’s hard to find a true example in this world for unconditional. When we look at god and his love for us, we can see that it is unconditional.  The best example is in romans 5.8.: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  I believe that speaks pretty clearly of the commitment god has to us. He didn’t put any conditions when he send his son to die on the cross.  No he just send him because he loves us so much and wants to see us free.
I want to challenge you to think different this week. God doesn’t put conditions on his love and neither should we. First ask god to give you more of his unconditional love to love others. When you deal with a person at work that is hard to deal with, love them besides all the challenges.  Bring flowers home to your wife just because you love her. Find a person that doesn’t know Jesus and love on them unconditional and don’t look and judge them by their differences.
When we start living this way it will change the perspective of people and they start seeing through us that god loves them no matter where they are at in their life. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to bring change into their life, no god always wants to bring people forward and help them grow.
So take the challenge.
Have a blessed week
Markus and Jen

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