Weakness our biggest strength

…For when I am weak, then I am strong.  2. Corinthians 12.10

Weakness our biggest StrenghtWhen we think about the word weakness it is often attached to things that are not so good. But when we look at the verse above it actually says the opposite. When we are weak we are strong. When you read the whole chapter you notice that Paul talks about a weakness in his life and how he asked God to take it away, kind of the logical thing to do. But Gods answer was different then he expected: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” So the weaknesses in Paul’s life actually drew him closer to God.

It reminds me of a scene in the movie the Lion King. Simba, a lion cub, goes to a place where he is not supposed to go and he is being attacked by a group of hyenas.  While trying to protect his friend he roared at the attackers. But all that comes out is a weak sound. The Hyenas start to make fun of him and ask him to roar again. Out of fear he does, but this time a loud roar shakes the place which scares the Hyenas. The next thing you see is the father of Simba and how the Hyenas run away scared.

That is a great picture of Gods power in our life. When we realize that we cant do it on our own, he is right there. A place of weakness is a place of being humble. When we are humble, pride has to leave in our lives, and when that happens God can move. When we relay on His strength we stay also in an attitude of thankfulness because we realize how much the father loves us and how much He is moving with us. So if we deal with weakness in the right way and it drives us towards the father, weakness actually brings us to a place of strength.

We want to encourage all of us to look in all areas of our life to the father, the giver of strength.

  1. Ask yourself were are your weaknesses?
  2. Did you rely on God in those areas?
  3. How can you start working more from His strength and less of yours?


Hey our friend

We hope you had a fantastic week!! For the next few weeks we will be in Germany so you will not get many updates from San Francisco, but please keep praying for our city. Thank you so much!!

Remember this week to look at God for your strength!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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