Water brings life to dead places

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. We had an exciting week here in San Francisco. We had the last official meeting of our church small group at our house and will have a graduation dinner tonight (Monday). Please keep us in your Prayers in this season since we have many breakthroughs happening but also need to make decisions which things to pursue and which ones to let go. Thank you so much!

Water brings life to dead places


20140420_144119_AndroidThe other day Jen and I were on a road trip. We were driving on Highway 5 which goes inland through a desert area. It gets pretty boring after a while.  But then we started seeing the beautiful green orchards contrasted with the dry desert. It’s amazing to see how the color green is just so refreshing. But that contrast made us also think of a spiritual parallel. If you look at the green areas you notice, that the areas that were watered were growing and alive. But the areas that weren’t were totally dead and dry. When we think about our relationship with God we see the same thing. If we are connected to Him the source of all life we are growing, if not we eventually end up deserted and looking dead. John 7.37-38

But one other thing that really struck us was the fact that if you put water on something that looks dead it can turn into something beautiful and alive. So if you think about people that are around you, maybe even family members, or situations that looked bad, and you feel like giving up on them, remember that just a little bit of living water can bring them back to life. Remember that story in Ezekiel 37.1-10, it gives a great picture of how God can make an army out of dry bones. God is using each one of us to rise up that army by helping to bring people into the Kingdom. Just imagine this: A leader of a biker gang becomes alive by receiving Jesus. Now imagine the impact he can make in his gang. He is already in this environment and he is well established. He has authority in that group that no outsider has and through that he is able to bring the gospel into this environment. Now more people are being saved in there and more people are coming back alive.

I want to challenge all of us to really pray and ask God about the areas in our life that are more looking like a desert and how they can come alive again? Also let us ask the question how can we bring living waters to people around us that are more in a desert?

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen


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