A journey through the bible the book of Ruth

I love the book of Ruth. Its such a beautiful story of Redemption. This is a short video blog on it and I hope it and you reading it inspires you!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful summer week!!

During the last week we could again connect with many neighbors just by taking Caleb outside in his stroller. Its so easy in the summer month to get connected with others we have to just be intentional about it. This week we also set some extra time aside to pray for our neighborhood by walking our streets. God showed us during those times so many things to pray for. Plan this week a little walk around your neighborhood to pray for your community and also connect with people. You might not feel like doing it, but let me tell you its gonna be a blessing for you and your community and make a difference.

Also let God encourage you through the book of Ruth when you read it! Its a short read!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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