Technology a blessing or a curse

technologyWe live in one of the biggest tech cities in the world and we see daily new products and services coming out of it. Technology can be a blessing to us or a curse, it just depends how we use it. If we get stuck on Facebook or other tech related services and spend all of our off time on them, tech can become a curse to us. But on the other side Jen and I use Facebook to communicate with friends all over the world and also use it to share about what God is doing here in San Francisco and encourage others through it, then it is a blessing.

Last summer I (Markus) started an experiment in which I canceled my cell phone service. The reason I did it was to live in the opposite spirit of the city in which everyone is always on their cellphone and through that never totally present with the person that is right in front of them. When I started in August with it, I realized after a few months that I can still get all the work done but I am able to have deeper conversations with people without distractions. The other thing I started to do was setting times aside where I was working on or with technology, through that I was able to have better control over the times technology is used.

So you see technology can have a huge impact in our life and can take control of many areas. It’s the same as when Jesus talked about money and about how money in itself is not bad, but the love of it is the problem. The same is true for technology.

Ask yourself some of those questions:

What outcome does it have in the long run, when I start to use a certain new technology?
How is technology a blessing to you and how a curse?
How can you use technology to be a blessing to others?

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. We had many moments of ministry during this week which was a real blessing. It is amazing to see how God uses little things to impact people deeply. Little words of encouragement, little gifts or little moments of your time. We want to encourage you to do something little daily for someone in your life.

Thank you for praying with us over this Easter time for people in San Francisco and the rest of the world to really get to know there loving father.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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