Tag Archives: Leben

Live your faith 100%, Paul

Last week we talked about Romans 5.20 were sin abounds grace abounds more. This week I want to look with you at the man who wrote the book of Romans. Be inspired!

Hey our friend

Days, weeks, months, years sometimes go by so fast and we don’t even remember what we did. Let God remind you about those special moments he gave you this week! We had a pretty good week here in SF. We hosted a small group at our house which was encouraging. When you host them you really become a family with the people who come. Its amazing. We also had some wonderful times with people in our community. During the week we worked also on the book. We are going on another writing trip in May. Pray with us that we can keep moving forward. The last few month have been harder in that area since we didn’t get to the book as much as we would have liked. Thank you for praying!

Have a blessed week and let God help you to have your life 100% sold out to Him!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

What is giving me life?

what gives me lifeThe other day I was sitting at home, enjoying a day off, when I got a phone call from a friend. He told me that he is in the neighborhood and that he wanted to see if we are home. I said yes and i ended up spending time with him for 5 hours. This was not planned, and on my off days I often just like to be introverted and read a book. But this day ended up looking very different. We spend time praying for each other and sharing a meal. When he left that night I felt so encouraged and uplifted by the words he shared and just by the time we spend.

It showed me again that sometimes we think we know what is best for us, but sometimes that is different to what is really good for us. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is giving me life?
  2. After what activity do I feel the most refreshed (Physically, emotionally and spiritual)?
  3. How can I make sure I have those things as an essential thing planned into my life and my schedule?

Hey our friend!

jurassic worldWhat a fantastic summer we have so far. A follow up to one of our favorite movies came out this summer Jurassic World. Jen and I were so excited for that for a long time so that we had a hard time waiting to finally see it.

We also had a wonderful week going deeper in relationships we have. Its amazing to see how relationships are key. You can see that actually over the whole bible, God uses relationship to move. We want to encourage you to build friendships to people right around you, your neighbors.

Thank you so much for being a part of our life! You are a blessing. May God bless you richly.

Markus and Jen