Tag Archives: JMEM

A journey through the bible the book of Amos

It’s amazing how God uses all different kinds of people to be prophets. In the case of Amos, he chooses a sheepherder to bring the message. May the words of the book of Amos speak to you when you read it.

Hi our friend

How are you?


It doesn’t matter what rank or status you have, all that is needed is a yes to God. Are you ready to partner with God and where is he asking for a yes from you?

God bless you

Markus and Jen

A journey through the bible the book of Joel

On our bible journey we saw many prophets. God always sends prophets because he loves his people and wants them to come back. The same is true for Joel as well. So be inspired while reading this book.

Hi our friend

How was your week? Our time in Pennsylvania was wonderful. We had a lot of time with family and for the first time in 11 years we were there for a family Thanksgiving. It was such a special time celebrating together. It was so wonderful seeing everyone again in person after over 3 years. Our Gathering we had was also a great time. We got to see other friends that we haven’t seen at all the other places and could share about what God is doing in SF. The only problem with the trip was that Time just went by too fast.

Also looking at our bible journey and the book of Joel ask yourself these questions:
How did you see God reach out to his people through Joel so they would turn back to him? How do you think you can share his unconditional love with people you know and live around?

God bless you

Markus and Jen

A journey through the bible the book of Hosea

One of the themes of the book of Hosea is the comparison of Adultery and Israel worshipping other Gods. But then it also shows the beauty of God wanting his people back. Be encouraged by the book of Hosea.

Hi our friend

How are you?

We are in Pennsylvania to visit Jens Family so we dont have an update here. But we hope you enjoyed the Video on the book of Hosea.

What did God speak to you while reading the book of Hosea? Make sure to take notes for yourself so you can look back at it!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

A journey through the bible the book of Daniel

We all know the famous story of Daniel in the Lion Den from the book of Daniel, but let me tell you that is only a little piece of that book. There are so many more stories and prophetic things in that book to inspire you. So be inspired by Daniel while reading his book!

Hi our friend

How are you?

While meeting up with people this week and just spending quality time with them we ended up in amazing conversations. One of the things I noticed and learned over time is the importance of being fully present. What does that mean? It means while you are with someone and spend time with them don’t be in your mind already at the next thing or get distracted through your phone. Instead fully listen and pay attention to what they are saying. I got so many responses over the years from different people how they felt heard. So whoever you are with, a friend, family, a neighbor, a college or a friend you haven’t met yet, make sure you are really fully there with them.

Also ask yourself the question along with the book of Daniel: In which areas of your life do you have to grow, to be able to live your faith without compromise like Daniel?

God bless you

Markus and Jen

A journey through the bible the book of Ezekiel

We are back at a prophet and this time its Ezekiel. May this book of a different kind of prophet inspire you and speak to you when you read through it.

Hi our friend

How are you?

The fall arrived in San Francisco and you notice how the its getting colder as soon as the sun isn’t out. But even with that colder weather we were able to connect with others in the park. All you need to do is bundle up a bit more. The same is true when I go on prayer walks. Just because the weather gets colder doesn’t mean we shouldn’t connect or pray for our community. We want to encourage you this week to spend some time walking around your neighborhood and pray for it.

Along with reading the book of Ezekiel on our bible journey ask yourself: Over which areas of your life do you have to speak new life how God asked Ezekiel to do over the bones in the valley of dry bones?  Let God refresh your life with new life!

Have a blessed week!

Markus and Jen