Superheroes, their 2nd Identity and you

Most of us are fascinated with superheroes and we love them. In this video I want to talk about how many of those heroes have a 2nd identity and how that relates to you too.

Hey our friend

What is new with you? Give us an update on your life. If I would have to put a headline on our week it would be dinners are creating true community. We had many dinners this week with different people and it was a real blessing since all of us got really encouraged and we were able to invest in each other. And our dinners are not elaborate. They are often meals that are simple but good. So everyone can cook a simple meal, including you! Of course you can’t just eat all week so we also had all our other things going on as well which also brought deeper connections.

Like we said in the video, you can be a hero to your neighborhood and make a difference. Bring his love and point people towards the ultimate hero were this love comes from!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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