Stories to think about – Time to come home

Our Story today is about a young man who is ready to come home. You will find it in Luke 15.11-22


Hi our friend

How are you?

Jen and i are getting ready for our little boy to arrive soon and are wrapping up all things that need to get done before and also rest a bit before he comes. God really helped us in this season to focus on the right priorities and guided us to get them done. Its so good beeing led by our loving father. Very fitting to our blog video this week as well.

SO dont forget to think this week about your perspective of God, do you see him as the loving Father who wants his child to come home or as the one who can’t wait to punish you? Read the story of the Prodigal son and let God show you his true heart for you!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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