Stories to think about – Ruth going to a foreign land

Our story today is about a lady name Ruth and going to a foreign land! You can read the story in the book of Ruth!

Hi our friend

During this last week we spend extra time praying for all the major things going on in the world that affect so many people. If it’s the flooding in Germany, the Afghanistan situation or the drought in different parts of the world that affects many. Often its hard for us to make a physical difference at the affected location since its often far away. But through prayer and giving we can stand with the people there even if they are far away. Ask God this week what your role is in bringing change into places of struggle in this world and how you can make a difference from where you are!! Let God guide you in that!!

Also along with the story of Ruth ask yourself where did God call you to? It doesn’t matter where, just follow him and trust that he will provide for you!

God bless you

Markus and Jen


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