Stories to think about: Paul, Silas and the Thessalonians

Our story today is about Paul and Silas and how they didn’t give up, even with big challenges, in bringing the gospel to the Thessalonians. Be inspired!!

Hi our friend

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas!! We for sure did even if it looked different again this year. Our Christmas day lunch with our neighborhood friend was wonderful. We had a nice meal together and it felt a bit like grandpa came over for Christmas. We also got to connect with our families through video calls which was also amazing!

2021 comes to an end in just a few days. When we come to the end of our year we always spend time to reflect and looking back at the things God did. God gave us Caleb, we hosted love your neighbor workshops, launched a love your neighbor social network just to name a few things. But with all the good during the year there are also challenging moments for all of us, like for us especially not being able to connect with people in the usual way cause of Covid. Reflect on those with God too and let him give you new perspective. Jen and I also spend some time at the end of the year to get words for the new year from God and look back at the old ones. When we do that we always get encouraged by how faithful he is. Let him speak to you and give you words for your new year too!!

Like Paul and Silas in the story above ask God in this new year where he wants you to bring the gospel. And also start into the year 2022  with the knowing that you are amazing and loved!!

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

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