Seek first the Kingdom Part 4 Legacy

Hey our friend

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This was the last week of our vacation and we will return to San Francisco Tuesday June 3rd. It was amazing to see the beauty God created. We hope you enjoyed the pictures. If you would like to see some more click on this link.

We also have an urgent Prayer request for all of you. The main location of YWAM San Francisco rented the main bulidings for many years. But now we got a notice that we have the first buy right for them since they are put up for sale. To be able to buy them YWAM has to raise $500.000 by June 9th to come up with a downpayment otherwise the buildings will be sold to the other person that put the offer in. That could mean for us that our monthly rent cost could go up and in the worst case scenario we could loose the building. It needs many people to come together to get that amount but our God is greater then numbers! Pray if God wants you beeing a part of this miracle.

What legacy are you leaving?

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6.33

the last few weeks we talked about how important our relationship with God is, what our role is and what affect choices can have. Today i will finish this series with the topic what legacy are you leaving.

I want to do that by looking at 3 people in the bible and there legacy. The first one is Joshua and Caleb. Those 2 were put in a position of power to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. The interesting thing about this situation was that they were some of the only ones that believed that God was able to bring them in there even while seeing the enemies. Both of them totally trusted and knew God well and ended up leaving the Promised Land as their legacy to the Israelites.

The other one I wanted to look at was Paul. For a long time he persecuted Christians till he had an encounter with Jesus and got radically changed and started to bring People into the Kingdom. He started reaching out to many churches writing letters of encouragement and correction to them and helped the gospel to move forward tremendously. We are actually all part of his and the legacy of many other Apostles.

Let’s look at the need today. When we look around we see more and more the need for the gospel to be lived in our today’s societies. We see more and more people that are isolated without true relationships. More and more people that live around us don’t even know Jesus. So leaving a legacy doesn’t necessarily mean we have to change the whole world. It could mean changing the lives of neighbors. Paul helped to bring the Kingdom to one place at a time and out of that all other things started happening.

So now it’s time to ask yourself the following question: What legacy are you leaving with the live you are living right now? Are you doing the things god called you to do and if not how can you change your course? How can you be more effective in bringing the Kingdom and leaving a great legacy?

Ponder on those questions this week and then make adjustments if needed.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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