Seek first the Kingdom Part 2 What is our job?

Hey our friend

Last week we were able to wrapup a few things with the ministry before we went on vaccation with the parents. Please keep our team in your prayers while they hold up the work there!!

If you want to see some of the pictures from our trip, click on this link!

Screenshot 2014-05-03 09.58.39

Seek first the Kingdom Part 2 What is our job

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6.33

When Jesus talks about seeking the kingdom first he is talking about that our life focus needs to be first on seeking God’s kingdom. We need to make this the first priority. But I think many times we try to figure out our life first like finding a job or get all our life plans figured out. But what Jesus is saying here is that when we seek the kingdom first god will take care of all those things as well. So if our first focus in life is to serve god and brining his kingdom to earth all other things will fall in place. Last week we talked about how to do that by having relationship with our Father in Heaven. This week we talk about what our job is.

So the first thing we need to do in our life is asking god what our role is in building the kingdom. It might be becoming a millionaire and through that influence the rich of this world. But maybe it is to reach out to the homeless and sell all we have and live in a small room in the inner city. Or maybe it means for you to stay exactly where you are at and reach the people that live around you, your neighbors. It will be different for every single person so you can’t really say to someone what their calling is. But there is a way to find out!

Last week I wrote about how seeking the kingdom means having relationship with him. That part is really significant. Through our relationship we are connected and through that we hear him and get understanding of his kingdom plan for us. The importance is really our heart position. Are we letting him guide us in every area of our life or are we still living a life chasing after survival and then maybe if there is time left do something for the kingdom? No our whole life needs to be focused on seeking the kingdom and bringing it on this earth. And this needs daily adjustments by asking the question how can I bring your kingdom to earth today? Did I follow your guidance or did I just follow the things I want to do out of a survival instinct?
Its never too late to do that as long as you life. Do a course correction today if needed.
Have a blessed week
Markus and Jen

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