Roles of a father

 Roles of a fatherLast week we wrote about the need for fathers in todays time and how each one of us should bring the love of the father to others. A while ago I listened to a sermon from Paul Manwaring about how to be a father. It was probably the best sermon I have ever heard on that topic so I took some of his points into this blog. Learn about some of the roles of a father and what fathers are supposed to do:

  1. Fathers give direction. They help their child to find the right path and help them to discover what they love.
  2. Father’s believe in their kids. Even if no one believes in a child a father always does and he always sees the best in them.
  3. Father’s fix and restore things. Even if the child made a mistake or did something bad, a father helps to fix the situation and restore it.
  4. Father’s teach the kids in how to love their spouse. By living in a way in how they honor and love their spouse they teach their child by example how to do the same someday when they get married.
  5. Father’s provide and steward resources.  When a father teaches his child how to steward resources, he will help them to know how to earn them and how to deal with them to always have enough.
  6. Father’s create the moral compass for the children. When they do that they teach their children on how to choose what is right.
  7. Father’s love unconditional not just if you do well in school as an example, but even when you mess up I do love you.
  8. Fathers give to the child even undeserved. When we do that we create a greater picture in the mind of the child what unconditional love means.
  9. Father’s give identities. A father affirms his child and through praying and hearing from God, he affirms the true identity of his child. Example if God shares that the child is an inventor, guide the child in a creative way into the area of inventing things.
  10. Father’s teach thankfulness. Thankfulness is the number 1 key to a happy live, but it is one of the most lacking thing in today’s time. Fathers help children to grow in thankfulness by example. As an example: Thank you God for the rain which brings water so we can grow food to live on.
  11. Fathers are willing to pay a price. Sometimes that means to sacrifice some of their own plans to help the child succeed.
  12. Fathers are not afraid to show weakness. When we show a child our wekness it helps them to do the same and it creates a humble heart that is able to grow.
  13. Fathers teach kids not fair but make them favorites, which helps them to grow to the best they can be. AS an example if one child is excited about soccer buy them a soccer ball and play with him and also put him on a team. The cost for that is fairly low, but you made the child through it to feel like a  favorite. If you have another child that wants to play the violin, buy them a violin and help them to have lessons and then join them when they practice and play. Through that that both children feel like favorites even if the investment in the one was a lot higher than in the other one.

All those points are written towards being a father to a child, but in reality they all apply to every person we father or minister to. If it is someone in church or someone at work.

Be a father and through it show people a glimpse of their Father in heaven!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. Jen and I are on vacation this week. Please keep the ministry and North Beach in your Prayers while we are gone. Thank you for being part of our life.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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