Be a Role Model

Hey our friend

2014-02-06 13.39.45We had an exciting week here in North Beach. We went to a neighborhood lunch to connect with more people from the community and had a neighbors brunch.But we think that the most exciting thing was an answer to something that we prayed for over 1.5 years, a new fulltime Staff member. We are happy to announce that our friend George joined us fulltime here in North Beach. Thank you for praying along with us in this area. Thank you. Now the next prayers are for groups to be launched in the neighborhood and that God brings more Christians in the neighborhood to us to start groups to reach out to there neighbors. Thank you for all your Prayers!

Role Models

The other day I woke up in the morning and I had this thought in my head about good role models. When you look at the role models in the media you don’t see a lot of things that you should look up to. Years ago a good friend of mine was a huge fan on Kurt Cobain from the band Nirvana. When Kurt killed himself he was devastated. In his case the devestation actually drewhim to the best role model, Jesus. In today’s time a better example would be Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus. So many young people are looking up to them, but what they learn and imitate from them is far from being good (I don’t want to judge them, instead I rather pray for them). The same is true for politicians and different leaders. So how do we bring change in that area? How can we be a good role model for the people around us?

We need to start looking at the things the bible teaches us about that area. If you read the book of Timothy you find lots of things what a leader should look like. It is important for each of us to start living that way. People need to see healthy marriages, so let’s live a healthy Christian marriage, by loving and honoring our wife or husband how the bible teaches us. People need to see healthy role models in the followers of Jesus. If we do the same things as the world does, how can we expect people to believe that we want to live a different live focused on Jesus? We need to start looking into the mirror and see the areas we have to grow in. When we do that, others will see it in our life and start realizing that Jesus is the one that brings the change. Another important thing is that we live our life genuine. We need to be the same person at work, at church and in our homes. We need to be authentic with good and bad things. Nobody expects any of us to never make a mistake, but the thing is we need to make sure that we are dealing with the mistake in the right way, meaning asking forgiveness for it and fix it.

Jesus said once to his disciples that the people will know that they are his disciples by the love for each other (John 13.35). So the most important one is again a genuine love. And when people observe in us that they are loved and special and they can see that in our lives we are good role models that can point them towards a loving father. Let’s look at our life this week and see in what areas we still have work to do to become a role model and in which we are doing good! Remember that you are amazing and loved.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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