Ein Hommage an Paps VT Williams and our weekly topic Redemption Part 25: Pentecost The Holy Spirit arrives

As Jesus promised, he sent his helper the Holy Spirit. Today its all about that.

Hi our friend

We wish you a blessed Pentecost weekend!!

Our week was a week of mixed emotions in one way sad and in another happy. We found out that our real close family friend VT Williams died. I wrote a little tribute to him at the end of this blog and also added some pictures if you like to read and see it. We are happy he is with Jesus. We are also happy that we get to see our german family next week!! So for a little while there wont be updates about our week here on the blog, but you will still find each week a video on our series on Redemption.

Dont forget to ask the Holy Spirit to lead you and give you everything you need for the things you are called to do. If you don’t know him yet, ask Jesus for a baptism of the Holy Spirit.

God bless you

Markus, Jen and Caleb

A Tribute to Paps or how others knew him Bishop V.T. Williams

When we found out that Paps (that’s how we called him) went to be with Jesus we felt in one way happy for him and the reception he gets in heaven from Jesus and all the people that love him and are there cause of him, but on the other side our hearts are filled with sadness and our eyes full of tears since we have to wait till we are with Jesus to see him again.

I remember when I met Paps for the first time the day of our wedding. He flew in right after a surgery just to be there and officiate the wedding. When we came to the place in the ceremony to say I do, he had me say I do to every single point, which brought a smile on my face. He wanted to make sure I do J . When we went to visit him in Jamaica a few years later I got to spend lots of quality time with him. Everytime we would sit together and talk about God I felt the love of Jesus so strong through him like never before and my eyes got often teary. I felt through him how Jesus believed in me. During that trip we traveled around the island and I saw how he stopped at small seemingly insignificant places and encouraged people and checked up on them how they are doing. Each one he visited felt so loved. He did the same with the ones who the world things are significant, like a banker we visited.  One day we went to the beach and his heart of the evangelist stirred up and next thing I see 3 ladies turn their life around and follow Jesus. One of them got baptized in the next church service. He didn’t care about titles or achievements he had, and there were too many to count, he always cared about the person right in front of him and wanted to bring them a step closer to Jesus. Since I was baptized as a baby Jen and I made the decision to be baptized as adults and Pap officiated that too. I also was so inspired by how he studies and knew his bible and I made a decision right there and then to just read the bible and nothing else for a few years. He also gave us a greater heart for prayer. He told us how he would spend many hours in prayer before he would share at one of the really big events. He always wanted to make sure to have that deep connection with the father. I also remember how he prayed for Jen so we would be able to conceive, even so it seemed impossible, but God listened to his beloved son and now we have Caleb. On our last visit he prayed over Caleb and dedicated him. This was the last time we saw Paps in person.

Spending time with Paps inspired me even more to live my life more like Jesus and share the good news with others and love them well. To love the person right in front of me. l Like I said our heats are sad since we can’t just call him anymore or see him for a visit, but he is rejoicing with the One he loved the most. Thank you God for giving us the gift of Paps for the time we had him. Pap we love you and we will see you again when we arrive in heaven when its our time



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