Psalm 37 experiences from a life with God

Today we want to look at Psalm 37 together. I love how David gives us inside on what he learned from his life with God and how that is relevant for us too. Be encouraged!

Hi our friend

Our week in San Francisco was good even so the smoke came back since new wildfires started. Keep praying with us that they will stop. We started to prepare a online workshop on how to love your neighbor which we will host in the next few months via zoom. We will keep you posted about the date. Last Sunday was special too since we got to meet up with a cousin in the park who was on his way through the city.  Its nice to see family that way since we cant travel so easily. We actually had quite a few opportunities this week to connect face to face which is a blessing. How are you? Send us an update on your life.

Also spend some time to read over Psalm 37 and ask God to point out what he wants to share with you in it!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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