Prayer as the foundation

prayer as the foundationIn January 2007 we started with 60 days of Prayer. We had many people on our email list that joined us for 60 days in praying for something that was at this point only a word from God. Now since then many of the prayers became reality and a community was created. A place where we found amazing friends and were we became friends to many others. We learned an old forgotten way of loving our neighbors and neighborhood and with that inspired many others all over the country and world to do the same. But the foundation for all of that to happen was prayer.

David spent time with God in prayer long before he became King. Before Jesus started doing anything he went into the desert to spend time with his father in Prayer. Before he went to the cross he spent time in Prayer to be ready for what was ahead of him. So again the foundation needs to be prayer so we have Gods heart for things.

So you see how important it is to lay a foundation of prayer for all things we do in life. So whatever your plans might be, step into it with the heart of God and listen to what He has to say. Involve others to pray with you. And then wait on God in those times. You might be praying for something that might happen far in the future, so be patient. Know that God will come through!

Hey our friend

We hope your week was awesome!! We are gone for a writing Trip and are working on the book. Please pray for us for wisdom and the right words. Also pray for our beautiful city that many people will be encouraged through lovers of Jesus.

Remember this week to start laying a foundation of Prayer.

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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