Pray and Go

pray and goA little while ago Jen got a sticker from her cousin with the words “you are beautiful”. Recently she remembered that sticker and she asked her cousin to send her a few more. Her plan was to give them out to women in the community and to encourage them through it. So one Wednesday all of us sat in the Park together with a friend ready to go and give out the Stickers. My job was to pray for them while they are out. Before they left we prayed and God gave our friend a picture, a word, a place and a specific person. So they all went to the location and found many women there. But one of them God pointed out to our friend. After walking up to that lady and sharing the word and picture she got, the lady starts to cry and share how that word really confirmed something she just asked God moments earlier and it also showed her that He is right at her side. The combination of sticker and the word from God made a huge impact in the life of that lady. And it was not something hard to do.

What about you and I and all of us Christians start doing that on a daily base, think about the impact it will leave! What about we pray and tell people something that God really wants to tell them, how impactful will that be in their life? I believe to change our communities and to bring the love of God and hope, each one of us has to step up and do their part!

  1. Pray and ask God to show you who to encourage and how
  2. Be bold and go for it and don’t be discouraged if you sometimes get it wrong. The effort alone often shows people how loved they are!

Hey our friend

Memorial Day BarbecueWe hope you had a wonderful week! Ours was great with many moments of bringing hope to people and to just love them. Our Barbecue for Memorial Day was awesome. We had 11 friends here at our house from our neighborhood. Its awesome to see how community can happen when you create a space for it! We also had a YWAM community night on Leadership and on Saturday some of the YWAM Staff went to Santa Cruz for a beach day. It was wonderful.

Start this week with asking God for specific encouragement for people and also for boldness to step out and share it!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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