Love your neighbor Part 20 Good things take time

love your neighbor part 20In this blog series we want to show you that it is actually really easy to make an impact where you live. We hope you start to see that more by reading this series! This week will be the last blog in the series “love your neighbor” for this year. We will write some more on that topic next year.

In today’s time we are always so rushed for time. It affects every area of our lives, including relationships. But the thing is true relationships can’t be rushed. You need time to get to know each other.

When I look at the friendship with my best friend, I see how true that is. After 10 years we can share anything with each other and be real about anything. But it took a little bit of time to come to that place. It took good times, fun times, hard times and sad times. We walked through them together and helped each other and over time grew closer together and more and more trust was build.

Since you want relationship with neighbors it’s the same truth that applies. Don’t expect that you know a neighbor just with one time meeting. It’s taking time. And it is important to stay connected. It doesn’t have to be daily, but check in with your new friends on a regular base. If you plan to live at a place for a long time what is a few extra months? The importance is quality. Rather spend less time, but that less time be intentional and have a value for it. Don’t just give the time that is leftover, but instead give some of your best time, like a Saturday etc..

When you start to give your new friends quality time, you show them how valuable they are to you. And showing that to people opens doors into their lives that could never be opened otherwise.

Ask yourself those questions!

  1. What is the best time in your day or week?
  2. How can you arrange your schedule to open some of that time up for neighbors?
  3. Find ways to encourage yourself weekly that you build relationships for the long term not for short term.

Hey our friend

We had a great week here in San Francisco. We had a prayer meeting, board meeting, book club, a night were I mentored a young man who became like a son to us that I know out of our work in Hunters Point and also we were able to meet with a professional lady in Redding about our book.  God just opened up all those doors perfectly. Isn’t he awesome!! We also ended up having some refreshing time during our time in Redding while visiting a church up there. God is so good!

Markus and JenFirst of all thank you to all who support us in our work here through Prayer and finances! You are a huge blessing to us! May god bless you richly!

We have a request for you! To do the work we are doing we depend 100% on support. Over the last few months we lost about $287 in monthly support through changes of circumstances in people’s lives. So at this point we need about $1460 more in monthly support to be fully funded and about $9,800 more to reach our full budget for this year. We want to ask for your help in sharing with people you know that have a heart for missions and would be interested in joining our support team monthly or with a year end donation. Of course if you are not a part of it you are welcome to join as well! When you click on this link you find out more how to do that. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you for all your help in this area.

Start this week to evaluate your time and how you use it!

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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