Learn from your Heavenly Daddy

Hey our friend

20140823_214604We hope you had a great week. One of our highlights this week was a house concert at a friends house. It was amazing listening to them play. We also had a wonderful time at the coffee shop. The last few weeks have been a little bit slow and it might be because of summer time, but please keep praying with us for an increase of attendance

Learn from your Heavenly Daddy

When you read through the bible you see many times how God is choosing people that were mostly not the most educated. Just look at Jesus and some of his disciples. Some of them were fishermen and there family was probably doing that for generations. Fishermen was not a highly educated job at that time,so for them being asked by Jesus a Rabbi to follow him was a huge honor. But along with that Jesus didn’t keep them were they were at, instead he kept teaching them and they kept learning, and more important they wanted to learn. Most of the time he didn’t teach them in a traditional sense of a classroom, but more in the way of showing them how to do it and then have them do the same (Luke 10 Jesus sends out the disciples).

I believe this is something each one of us has to think about. We always have to position ourselves in an attitude of learning. Yes God chooses us the way we are. But to know Him better and also represent him well in this world, we have to learn from Him. We always have to live our life with an attitude and openness to learning something new. It can be through studying the bible, through spending time in God’s presence, reading books as an example on Gods character or by doing something that God called you to do and learning in the process. These are just examples, and there are many more ways but it is important that each one of us keeps learning from our father. Just remember Paul and how he talked to the studied people in Athens and how he used the unknown God as a way to bring Jesus to them. Of course he had to learn about that culture before he went and through that he was able to share with them in a way they understood. I want to challenge you to start looking this week on how to learn more from God.

Have a blessed week

Markus and Jen

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