A journey through the bible the book of Job

Job is a book many people try to skip since it could sound depressing. But the book is not depressing when you look deeper into it. Instead it gives you a view of an inspiring man. Let this video blog give you a short intro into it and let it encourage you.

Hi our friend

How was your week?

Connection is so important for each one of us and this week we had many of those. If it was through 2 board meetings, having dinner with a neighbor, connecting with Moms and Nannies in the park or going on a prayer walk together with our church all of them connected us with different people. It was a blessing and encouragement to spend time with each of them. We also spent time to pray for the situation in Ukraine. All the things happening in the world can be overwhelming, but remember in the most overwhelming time in the garden before he went to the cross Jesus spend time with his father. It is so important to spend time with our Father in Heaven and let him fill us with peace. Make sure to spend time with Him!

When you read the story of Job in our journey through the bible, it showed us that his foundation is built on God and nothing else even in the hardest time. Can we say that about our relationship with God too? Let us think about that!

Have a blessed week and remember that you are amazing and loved.

Markus and Jen


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