This week we are talking about the old testament prophet Isaiah. Be encouraged by his life!
Hi our friend
Another week went by and we hope yours was awesome!! Even if you don’t have good memories about it, remember the good things that happened, because each week has those too!!
Our week here was full of special moments, one was an even a once in a lifetime moment. Our friend that we meet in our neighborhood got her citizenship after 7 years and we got to go to her special ceremony for that. It was a wonderful moment where 1255 people from 100 nations became citizens. It’s wonderful to walk alongside people so that at one point you get to celebrate with them such a milestone. Also during the week, Jen was prepping words for a video series for a 21-day challenge on loving our neighbor which will start with our church soon. We also had a celebration on Valentine’s Day for neighbors where we celebrated friendship and community. It was a wonderful time for everyone. Through many times of eating together with neighbors and meeting together, we deepened community in a simple way. What a great week!!
Let God guide you like Isaiah and speak His heart to the people around you through His love!
God bless you
Markus and Jen