Invest in your neighborhood Part 3 3-2-1-GO

3-2-1-GOFor the last 2 weeks we talked a lot about the planning part on how to get involved into your community, but this week it’s time to start!!

Now you have a plan and you are ready to go, but remember those few points:

  • Making a difference can take time. Plan more for a marathon, not a sprint. Many people go into it with the expectation of immediate results which then can bring discouragement and quitting if the result doesn’t show up as expected. So go into it with the right expectations.
  • Commitment and Passion. I heard it many times that people went into something because of passion. Don’t misunderstand me here, passion is really important, but passion without commitment doesn’t lead to success.  We all know that there will be days were we are not passionate and if we have those for a while we easily give up. I often saw how people started something but then gave up in the middle of it, just because the passion was not as strong anymore. But if you are committed you will make it through those times and see the light at the end of the tunnel!
  • Keep following Gods heart in the process. How? Keep spending time with Him in Prayer and keep listening to how he is guiding you in your efforts. He will keep giving you courage and ideas on how to move forward.

Have a lot of fun while investing in your neighborhood!!

Hey our friend

We hope you had a wonderful week. During the last week we had times with our wonderful Pastor friend, moments of sharing with a visitor about the ministry and reconnecting with friends we meet through our game night who moved away. It is a blessing to be connected with people and see more and more community build. Join us in praying for people that don’t have a healthy community, that God will give them one and that all of us can give one as well.

During the last weekend we were blessed to celebrate the wedding of our friends Kevin and Lilia. I (Markus) felt really honored to be in the wedding as a groom’s man. We had a wonderful time.

Thank you for being a part of our life. We are blessed to know you!!

God bless you

Markus and Jen

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